Creative Counseling SB FAQs
What is your availability?
My in office counseling appointments are Mon & Wed evenings from 5:30-8:30pm
On occasion I can provide therapy session in your home or office if the above times don't work with your schedule
I also provide phone and video sessions for Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling and Individual Therapy
Do you take insurance?
I do not take insurance but I will provide you with a monthly super-bill you can provide to your insurance for possible reimbursement for "out of network providers"
Method of Payment?
Cash, PayPal, Venmo or personal check due at time of therapy session
Are my therapy sessions confidential?
Yes! Confidentiality is at the heart of the therapy relationship and the law protects your privacy. I cannot and would not disclose any information you share with me without your written consent.
There are high risk circumstances where the law mandates disclosure when there is suspicion of child/elder/dependent adult abuse or serious harm to self or other
How many counseling sessions will I need?
The number of therapy sessions needed will vary from person to person and will depend on the reason you are seeking counseling. I have worked with clients that only wanted to attend a limited amount of sessions so we determined together what might be feasible to achieve in that time frame. I am happy to discuss this further with you during our free phone consultation.
Will you be a good fit for me?
Feeling comfortable with your therapist is very important this is why I offer a free 15 min phone consultation to make sure we are a good fit
My teen needs help but refuses to go to therapy?
Teens are often hesitant to participate in treatment and trying to make them go often creates more resistance. Building rapport with a teen takes time and patience. While it is best for your teen to actively participate in therapy, their attendance is not necessary to make improvements in your home. When parents/guardians attend without their teen, we can focus the session on ways to improve your communication, healthy boundary setting and increasing your understanding of what your teen may be going through.
What is the best way to reach you?
The best way to reach me to schedule a counseling session is via email-click link below:
Creative Counseling Santa Barbara
Marriage, Family & Individual Therapy
Lisa Conn Akoni, MA, MFT
Marriage & Family Therapist, Santa Barbara CA
Clinical Program Developer, Consultant, Trainer & Supervisor