Creative Counseling Santa Barbara
Clinical Supervision & Consultation
Counter-Transference is NOT a dirty word!
Yes....that' right...counter transference can be a beautiful thing. It's an unavoidable human experience for therapists so lets stop acting like it doesn't happen, or it's "bad", or we shouldn't talk about it. I say...lets start an open & frequent dialogue since we all experience it.
After years of conducting Clinical Supervision & Consultation as well as being a supervisee back in the day, I truly came to believe that not only should counter-transference be understood under a less shaming & pathologizing lens, it should be considered an important way therapists can better understand themselves. How can we help or inspire others to look within if we aren't able or willing to do that ourselves?
We have to "walk our talk"!
Clinical Supervision & Professional Consultation is a passion of mine. I believe becoming an excellent & effective counselor is a complicated process given that our own personal stuff often creates obstacles, blind spots, & reactivity in and out of sessions. Having a safe space & a skilled, compassionate & non judgmental mentor, consultant or supervisor is vital to the clinical growth process.
I have over 10 years of experience as a Clinical Supervisor & Consultant and specialize in ADOLESCENT THERAPY, COUPLES & MARRIAGE COUNSELING, TRAUMA FOCUSED THERAPY & DBT. I still regularly seek out my own clinical and personal guidance. I feel that we should always be honing our skills; similar to an athlete or dancer, who's bodies are the actual instrument, therapists must constantly explore, understand & gain mastery of their own reactions/responses/emotions/beliefs/thoughts etc. through self reflection, authenticity, transparency & then putting those things we come to learn into practice. Yes this is a big commitment & can be quite uncomfortable at times, but if we do it right...not only do we become better therapists...our personal lives grow & expand as well. It's a win win....
If you are interested in Clinical/Professional Consultation, please:
Contact me to see if I’m accepting new consulting clients
Schedule a 30 min dual interview to determine if we are a good fit
If you’d like to be considered for MFT or LPCC Clinical Supervision, please:
Contact me to see if I’m accepting new supervisees
Talk to your employer about using an outside supervisor. Your employer must approve you working with an outside supervisor since you will be sharing confidential client information as well as protected health information & client records with me.
Schedule a 30 min dual interview to determine if we are a good fit for clinical supervision.
If it's determine we are a good fit for Clinical Supervision, please:
Complete required BBS Clinical Supervision Forms for MFT or BBS Clinical Supervision Forms for LPCC (additional BBS Info for Clinical Supervision for Interns)
Creative Counseling & Consulting Santa Barbara
Marriage, Family & Individual Therapy
Lisa Conn Akoni, MA, MFT
Marriage & Family Therapist, Santa Barbara CA
Clinical Program Developer, Consultant, Trainer & Supervisor
(805) 714-4055 LisaConnAkoni@gmail.com